Thursday, September 13, 2007


Well, we're in the process of trying to figure out how this thingamajiggy works. It's kinda confusing, but we're getting there! While we're under construction, we'd love to know what you (yes, YOU!) want to see on here! Whether it be recipes or short stories, articles about what you think is important, news at your school, pictures galore, music just way too darn good to keep to yourself, or whatever else come to mind, we'd love to know! Send us an email at or take the little poll on the left hand column of our page to let us know what to put on here next time.

In other news, we ordered our camera earlier this week, so we'll be able to put some kick-ass pictures on here and start the interviews and photoshoots very soon! Yes, yes. I know you kids are excited. ;) So anyone that wants some coverage, send us a little email about yourselves, and we just might do an interview for you! Also, if there are any events coming up that you want people to notice, then give us some flyers to post up here to get the word out. We'd love to help you guys out! And those cute band people, we'll be more than happy to post your banners on our page. That's if we like you, of course. Hehe. Send some music our way, and we'll get you famous. At least that's what we're hoping. =)

You'll be seeing some great stuff here by the end of this week, so keep your eyes open and check us out when you get the chance.

Much love to you!


Anonymous said...


soonyouwillleave said...


Anonymous said...

"Playpussy???" umm... isn't there sup 2b like a "t" in there somewhere??? :)


i love you guys!

♥ Nikki

Coming soon!!

Band interviews with your favorite local artists as well as a ton of new pictures and show reviews. We love you guys, it's true.