Sunday, November 18, 2007

Weekend Update, The.

The show at the Jaycee's had an incredible turnout last night. We need to give some mad props to everyone who contributed to the success of the show.
First of all, YOU GUYS! We managed to raise about $700 for the kids in Uganda, not to mention, we had a turnout of nearly 140 people. That is the highest attendance of a show in ages.

I can personally say, the show rocked. The Vidrines, The Passing Lane, The Jim Dandies, The Rape Ape, and IWrestledABearOnce all performed as well a a few other acts. The full show review will be up ASAP as well as some band interviews!! I know, you all have been waiting for those to pop up around here. We also have an extra special prezzie for you kids. We'll have an offical update pretty soon.

I don't know if you saw us, but your lovely, lovely editors were hangin around bothering the bands last night. We found out that there are a TON of you guys supporting us and we think that just kicks ass. Thanks so much guys, keep spreadin' the word.

On that note, a special thanks to Ringo and all the bands putting up with our questions and interviews, we couldn't do it without you guys.

Finally.....BIG BIG NEWS

Hopefully (let's all get our fingers crossed) sometime before Christmas, TMD will go print! We've got a few people helping us out with some stuff, but not quite enough. If you guys have some questions or comments or just want to ask one of us to dinner (we know you do) then hit either Joan or myself up via myspace or Donations are also very appreciated and you will be rewarded very nicely. =)

PS. Here are Natalie's and my Myspaces. Be our friends! I promise we don't bite hard. We're working on a Myspace page for The Monroe Doctrine to keep in touch with ya'll and let you guys know when we've got new stuff for you. Look for our friend request soon. ;)

Be jazzed, be jazzed.

{Natalie and Joan}


johnwayne said...

i loves you guyessesssesesesss


Anonymous said...


when's that dandies interview going to be up?!

Anonymous said...

You guys email is playpussy. and you said "we don't bite hard". thought I'd point it out. :)

The Monroe Doctrine said...

Ok, ok. fault. When I typed up the e-mail for the our company (platypussyproductino), I made a teeny tiny mistake and Yahoo liked it anyway.

Oopsies. This is true though, except Joan sometimes does bite hard-ish. You have to watch her.


Coming soon!!

Band interviews with your favorite local artists as well as a ton of new pictures and show reviews. We love you guys, it's true.