Sunday, October 7, 2007

Weekly Food

Alright, alright

so...what to make this week.

I'm going to use one of the easiest and yummiest things my mom makes:


yes, that is actually what we call them.

Whatcha need:
>some small pots like Corningware pots, theyre about 4 in in diameter and you can get them anywhere. (p.s. corningware is the brand not the name of the pot).
>a package of instant mashed potatoes
>bacon bits, sour cream, and chives or other topings are optional-the cheese is mandatory though. SO JUST DO IT.
>salt and pepper to taste (not to literally taste, its a phrase that means until you don't want anymore on the damn food)

Nothin to it but to do it:

First , mix up the mashed potatoes, following the directions on the package. Set up the corningware pots pretty close together so you don't have to do the little reaching dance. Take a good sized spoonfull of potatoes and spoon them (hehe) into the bottom of each of the pots. Basic math tells us that the more potatoes you have, the more potato pots you have...duh. now make like lasagna and layer the cheese and other topings onto the top of the first layer of potatoes. Now, spoon another layer of potatoes onto the top of the toppings ( i guess that doesnt really make them toppings anymore, huh?). After you've covered the cheese and things with potatoes top each of the mashed potato pots with a tiny bit of cheese and cover with clingwrap or celophane. Dont be a dumbass and cook them with celophane covering them like I've done before. Now you can either put them in the microwave for about 1 minute or put them in the frigerator to reaheat later when you get the munchies.



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